Our School

Welcome to Newtown

We are a 4 - 6 elementary school with 7 homerooms at each grade level. We have just over 550 students.

Daily Bell Schedule

  8:20 Doors open for students

  8:45 Classes begin

10:15 Recess

10:30 Classes resume

12:00 Lunch (grade 4’s eat lunch, grade 5 and 6’s play)

12:25 Lunch (grade 5 and 6’s eat lunch, grade 4’s play) 

12:45 Classes resume

  2:50  Dismissal

First Day of School

Homeroom teachers will send home an email late afternoon the day before school starts welcoming your child.

We are asking parents not to come into the building on the first day.  We will have a number of grade 6 volunteers and our staff helping students find their classroom.


Please note classes begin at 8:45 am. It is important that your child is here before class begins. Late arrivals result in an interruption to your child’s learning, the learning of others and instruction. Please be punctual.


All busing information can be found on the NLSchools bus portal.  Please log into the portal to find information regarding your child’s route, stop, and assigned seat.

Our understanding is that any student who wants busing will be able to avail of it in September. If your child qualifies for busing, but you do not intend to use it, please contact the school.

Parking Lot

In the morning we have a Kiss and Go Lane.  When you enter the parking lot, stay to the left, closest to the pylons.  Once your car stops students can safely exit the car anywhere along the pylons. 

The lane closest to the school is reserved for our 10 buses in the morning and after school. Please do not drive or park in this area.  If your child is not getting out in the Kiss and Go Lane, please park in a designated spot so your child can safely exit the vehicle. 

During dismissal please do not block the parking lot, we need to ensure our buses can park in the bus lane. 


Teachers take attendance first thing in the morning and right after lunch.  You will receive a School Messenger if your child is not in school. If your child will be absent, please let their teacher know.  You can enter their absence in School Messenger.  This will only give a full day option, but we will update when they arrive at school.


Please ensure that your child knows how they are getting home.   If there is a change in their schedule please inform their teacher. 

Unless there is an emergency, we ask you to refrain from picking your child up 10 minutes prior to dismissal time. This will significantly reduce interruption to classroom procedures.

School Lunch

Information will be sent out in September for the School Lunch Association.  Students will need to bring lunch until school lunch starts.  Please ensure you review the options with your child to ensure they like what is on lunch.  https://schoollunch.ca/


All of the information you need is included in our memos and can be found on our Website.  

We send home memos every Monday morning. Homeroom teachers will send an email every Wednesday afternoon.  Monthly calendars are also sent home at the beginning of the month. 


All payments, permission slips and forms are placed on Rycor.  Please ensure you have an account with Rycor.  https://www.nlesd.ca/studentsfamilies/rycor.jsp

Forms will be posted in early September to complete.  Please complete these promptly.

Cell Phones

Students are not permitted to use cell phones in school.  Cell phones must remain in book bags.  If your child has to call home they can use the phone in the office.  It is important for students to know their parents/ guardians phone numbers.

Volunteering at Newtown 

We require lots of volunteers for our breakfast program, field trips, book fairs and extra curricular activities.  All volunteers require an RNC vulnerable sector check.  

You will find the Newtown RNC letter on our school website.  

Lost and Found

Please ensure that your child's name is on all clothing.  We have a tremendous amount of lost and found clothing that never gets back to the owner.  

Change of Address

If you are moving, please send proof of the new address to newtownelem@nlschools.ca.  Please ensure that your child's contact information is up to date.